Local organisations are spreading the message of the dangers of not keeping warm at home

With this Winter set to be a tough one for many due to increased energy prices, the end of government support schemes and more financial pressures, local organisations have come together to highlight the importance of looking out for signs of a cold home because of the lasting affects it can have on your health.

Emma Pagett, West Sussex Fuel Poverty Coordinator, states that the long-lasting effects of a cold home aren’t always known until it’s too late.

“Being cold can cause your blood pressure to rise and make your blood thicker, putting you at greater risk of thrombosis, stroke, chest infections and even heart attacks.

That’s on top of the negative impact on mental health and dementia, an increased risk of trips and falls and isolation”.
Arun and Chichester Citizens Advice, in partnership with local councils, Southern Water and

SGN are sharing information through social media on 3 rd December to ensure people know what fuel poverty looks like in 2021 and what support is available to those living in cold homes.

Charlie Young, Projects Manager, is encouraging anyone that’s worried about heating their home to seek support now.

“If you, or someone you know, has to wear their coat indoors, has a mouldy or draughty home or a heating system that hasn’t been used for a long time, please get support before the weather becomes even colder.

Your home should generally be between 18 and 21 degrees.”

“There are schemes to help with the costs of fuel and other bills, as well as grants for measures to improve the energy efficiency of the home. Don’t wait until you can’t afford to put your heating on to get help. We even have thermometer cards to help keep an eye on the temperature indoors.”

Fuel poverty is now measured using the Low-Income Low Energy Efficiency (LILEE) meaning that being fuel poor is influenced by household income, household energy requirements and fuel prices and with fuel prices increasing, more people could experience fuel poverty.
The latest statistics show that 3.18 million households experienced fuel poverty in 2019.

The number of people dying unnecessarily due to cold has risen significantly in recent years and Citizens Advice is concerned that figure will shoot up further this winter.

There are many people living in Sussex, particularly in rural areas, who are experiencing fuel poverty, but are unaware of the support which is available to them.

An initiative called “Tackling Fuel Poverty Together” has brought together local authorities, local Citizens Advice services, fuel distributors and Fuel Poverty Coordinators to ensure everyone in Sussex can access the energy advice they need.

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