May Half Term: Celts and Romans

Runs until Friday, 31 May 2024 (See all dates)

10:00 - 16:00
Fishbourne Roman Palace, Chichester, PO19 3QR
£1 per child (in addition to general admission)

Visit Fishbourne Roman Palace this May half term to celebrate all things Celts and Romans with our fantastic activities for families!

More Information (V2 Radio is not responsible for external websites)

Celts vs Romans activities
These two communities lived side-by-side 2,000-years-ago, trading goods, ideas and cultural practices. From fashion to food, we’ve got lots of fantastic activities for families visiting Fishbourne Roman Palace this half term.

From fashion to food, games to tattoos, we’ve got lots of fantastic activities for families celebrating Celts and Romans this May half term.

– Arts and Crafts – Learn more about where Celts and Romans lived while building a roundhouse or Roman villa at our arts and crafts stations.

– Mosaic making – Help create a giant mosaic in our lower courtyard. Or create a mini mosaic postcard to take home.

– Celtic fashion – Learn about how Celts dressed while receiving an authentic ‘woad’ tattoo on your arm.

– Games – Learn how the Romans and Celts relaxed while taking part in a number of authentic board games.

– Spinning – Spin wool to make a bracelet or bookmark following Celtic or Roman designs.

– Roman fashion – Dress like a Roman in our selfie dressing up station.

Plus, you can hunt down the Celtic warriors in the Palace gardens in our special trail, which will run every day during half term.

Activities cost just £1 per child for everything on offer, in addition to general admission. The £1 activity fee helps to support the charitable work we do at the Sussex Archaeological Society, which owns and cares for Fishbourne Roman Palace.

Admission includes access to the whole site, allowing visitors to marvel at the magnificent mosaics, explore its history and view hundreds of items which were excavated when the site was discovered in the 1960s.

Activities form part of Chichester Roman Week, which celebrates Chichester’s rich Roman heritage with a series of district-wide events designed to engage visitors of all ages.

Those who chose to Gift Aid their admission are entitled to 12 months free entry from the date of visit.

Members of The Sussex Archaeological Society can visit any of our sites for free.


Fishbourne Roman Palace
Fishbourne Roman Palace
PO19 3QR

More details for this venue


The event runs from 10:00 to 16:00 on the following dates.
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