Improvements made to Chichester Canal towpath

Picture: Peter Wallbank

Footpath improvements along Chichester Canal towpath have been welcomed by the local community.

The upgrade was funded by Donnington Parish Council and carried out by contractors working on behalf of West Sussex County Council.

With restrictions continuing, and the canal towpath more popular than ever, walkers have been delighted to be able to use a wider, safer towpath to exercise safely and locally.

The improvements, between Selsey tramway crossing up the Crosbie bridge on the Donnington road, have now been completed.

The footpath has been considerably widened and the surface is now more user friendly for mobility scooters and child buggies.

Catherine Cannon, Trustee, said, "In the next few months, the side vegetation will grow back to give it a bit more of a countryside feel but there will hopefully less maintenance required by our hard working canal volunteers."

A similar upgrade has bee undertaken from the A27 bridge south to Hunston.

This has been paid for by the County Council from a similar funding source.

Catherine said, "We know from residents how popular the towpath is and particularly at present, and as beneficiaries, the Chichester Ship Canal Trust is very grateful to both the Parish Council and the County Council for enabling this work to be carried out."

The Chairman of Donnington Parish Council, Mark Hitchin, said, "Donnington Parish Council was delighted to be involved in this project.  

"The canal towpath is used by Donnington residents for access to the city and the countryside, and has been especially popular during the pandemic for exercise.  

"We were delighted to have an opportunity to work with the Canal Trust and West Sussex County Council to improve the footpaths for our residents and those from further."

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