Inflation takes Chichester District Council to up parking fees

Changes to off-street parking charges in the Chichester District will be introduced following a consultation.

The amendments will involve some charges remaining the same, some reducing and a small increase to others in line with current inflation – in most cases just ten pence.

 In addition, a small increase will be applied to season tickets. A part-time season ticket will also be introduced on a trial basis for those with an X roving ticket.

The changes were approved by Chichester District Council’s Cabinet at its meeting on Tuesday 2 February.

“Car parking charges are important as they help us to pay for many of the services that we provide to support our businesses and communities,” explains Councillor Tony Dignum, Cabinet Member for Place, Growth and Regeneration at Chichester District Council.

“We review parking charges every year in consultation with a number of partners in the district and the local community, to ensure that we are dealing effectively with capacity issues in our higher demand car parks and to help cover the costs of providing each car park.

"We are also under a duty as part of the council’s fees and charges policy to increase all charges in line with inflation as a minimum each year.

"The increase proposed is very modest and will help ensure that our parking charges remain competitive with neighbouring towns. The rise will not apply to all tariffs and in fact, some of our tariffs will be reducing.

“In addition, we are also continuing free parking for NHS and social health care staff in our Northgate car park until the end of March 2021. We are always looking at ways of improving our service and will be developing further improvements over the coming year.”

Details of the new charges will be available at from 1 April.

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