New operator appointed to run Worthing’s deckchair concession

Daniel Capstick-Dale, Director of South Beach Leisure Ltd (left) with Cllr Kevin Jenkins, Worthing's Executive Member for Regeneration

Beachgoers in Worthing will get the chance to embrace a traditional seaside delight as the popular deckchair concession returns.

Worthing Borough Council has given South Coast Beach Leisure Ltd a three-year licence to provide deckchairs in three locations between Splash Point and West Buildings.

With the sun now shining and thousands heading to the coast, more than 250 deckchairs have been made available to hire. As those in need of repair are refurbished, this number will grow, and there could be up to 500 on the beach this year.

South Beach Leisure Ltd is also looking to provide up to 50 beach loungers for a trial next year.

Daniel Capstick-Dale, Director of South Beach Leisure Ltd and local resident, said: “I am planning on making a long-term investment in the town. I firmly believe the supply of chairs to the beach will enhance the economic opportunities of existing concession holders in the area.

“By providing flexible, clean, professionally maintained, additional seating at no cost to the Council, our guests are likely to stay for longer and spend more money in Worthing.

“This will also provide additional employment for local people.”

Deck chair

The agreement with the Council means the company is responsible for setting out and collecting the deckchairs, as well as maintaining them and putting them into storage.

They are available for hire for £4 per day, from 10am until 5.30pm, weather permitting.

Deckchair attendants will be wearing a uniform and will be easily identifiable to members of the public.

The operator can provide up to 1,000 chairs from May to September until 2023.

Cllr Kevin Jenkins, Worthing’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said: “We know that the deckchair concession in Worthing is extremely popular, and as the weather is now warming up, we’re glad residents and visitors will be able to enjoy the use of up to 500 of them this year - and potentially up to 1,000 in the future.

“In March we invited potential operators to come forward with offers for the annual licence fee.

“I want to congratulate South Coast Beach Leisure Ltd for being appointed as the operator for this concession, and I wish the firm every success in running and maintaining it.”

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