Shoreham Farmers' Market runs as a lifeline for local traders

Photo from Adur and Worthing council. Credit: Neil Pringle Productions

Shoreham's Farmer Markets ran on Saturday and while this may spark some controversy over what's deemed 'essential' the Adur council say they run the events safely.

Tasty food and drink produce is available to buy from the COVID-safe Shoreham Farmers' Market every second Saturday of the month. Adur Markets continue to operate safely and in line with Government guidelines around Coronavirus.

Adur District Council is ensuring markets run with restrictions in place for social distancing and the safety of the public, staff and traders - while providing the local traders with a financial lifeline and a chance to sell their produce.

They have been operating safely since July last year, when the Government ruled open air food stalls could continue to trade. Guidelines show businesses, including food retailers, are permitted to operate from market stalls.

The markets are being managed by stewards who are monitoring attendance, ensuring all visitors have enough space to social distance. They continue to be delivered at Tarmount Lane car park - a large, open-air outdoor space, which allows for better social distancing measures.

Councillor Emma Evans, Adur's Executive Member for the Environment, said:

“We are continuing with the running of Adur Markets in line with Government guidelines and by taking due care and diligence to ensure the site is spaced out, attendance numbers are monitored and that there is hand sanitiser on site.

“It's important for us to offer a chance for businesses to operate where they can, because as we know, many are facing such hardship during these unprecedented times.

“We believe the markets can run safely and securely throughout lockdown and we are constantly reviewing the situation against local infection rates.”

The move has been supported by local traders, some of whom have had other forms of income halted or dramatically reduced by the current lockdown. 

 Charles How is the owner of Chanctonbury Organic Meats, which also sells at the market. He added: “If we don't sell at the markets we'd be left a surplus of meat that will stay in the freezer for months and months, and our income will be severely affected if we can't sell our produce.”

The next Shoreham Farmers' Market is on Saturday, 13th March  2021, in Tarmount Lane car park.

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