An open letter from the Chichester Mayor 

The Mayor of Chichester, Councillor Richard Plowman. Photo from Chichester City Council

The Chichester Mayor has wrote an open letter, to give an update on residents during the coronavirus lockdown.

It comes as councillor Richard Plowman wants to praise Chichester residents for helping with the mass coronavirus vaccine rollout. 

He said: "Well, we did it. The Chichester vaccine centre will be at the Westgate Centre.  I emphasise we, because the people of Chichester made this happen through our many calls, emails and letters."

There will be a Downing Street briefing tonight (Monday 15 February) at 5 pm, and like the Government, the local authorities are expressing their gratitude to the nation for vaccinating over 15 million people. 

The mayor also said: "The avalanche of pressure meant I was given a direct line to the NHS Commissioner, who listened and acted on your concerns. I haven’t seen such a local campaign since the attempt to shut down St Richard’s A&E. A march to Priory Park would have been difficult during lockdown and, in any case, it has been a little nippy for venturing outside. I just hope that Chichester won’t be at the back of the queue again."

To find the full letter, you can download the PDF here. 

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