West Sussex experiences a rise in cases of Covid-19

PA Media

The number of people testing positive for Covid-19 in West Sussex has risen slightly in recent days, according to the latest statistics.

The increase has prompted a reminder from Public Health leaders about the continued importance of hands, face, space, fresh air guidance.

There were 102 cases of Covid-19 in the county in the seven days up to Saturday, 29 May. That is an increase of 59, when compared to the previous seven days up to 22 May when there were 43 cases.

In the seven days ending 29 May, the infection rate in West Sussex was 11.8 people per 100,000, with Worthing (22.6), Mid Sussex (13.2) and Crawley (12.5) recording a higher incidence rate than the county average.

All the incidence rates for West Sussex as a county, and the districts and boroughs remain below the England rate (32.4).

Alison Challenger, Director of Public Health for West Sussex, said: “Now we are able to return to pubs, cafes and restaurants, as well as other indoor activities and some socialising, it is not surprising to see case numbers increase slightly in our county.  

“This is a relatively small increase and is a trend seen nationally, not just in West Sussex. But I want to highlight it in order to emphasise exactly why we need to keep doing all we can to bring the number of positive cases down and keep them low.

“Last week, we reached a significant milestone in the Covid-19 vaccination programme with more than one million people across Sussex having received their first dose.

“Vaccines are now becoming available to younger adults, so it’ll be great to see the number of vaccinations rise further as our tremendous efforts continue.

“Getting vaccinated is the best way we can keep ourselves, our friends, families and communities safe while meeting other people.

“Alongside vaccinations, the best way to avoid spreading Covid-19 is to take regular free tests, even if you haven’t got symptoms, and use the NHS Test and Trace app when out and about.

“Doing the basics can make a real difference in keeping West Sussex safe. Remember – hands, face, space and fresh air.”

Councillor Bob Lanzer, newly appointed Cabinet Member for Public Health, and chair of the Local Outbreak Engagement Board, said: “The response to the pandemic from communities across West Sussex has been incredible, and the tremendous take-up of the vaccine has helped keep our numbers relatively low.

“As we approach the summer months and hopefully get out to enjoy some warm weather, it remains just as important that we continue to take precautions to avoid spreading Covid-19.

“West Sussex has responded fantastically up until now, and I’m sure everyone will continue to do so to protect themselves and each other.”

Visit our Covid-19 data dashboard to see the latest figures across West Sussex, including those in your local area by using our postcode checker.

Our website also has details on how you can get free Covid-19 testing kits, which can be ordered to be delivered direct to your home or picked up from collection points across West Sussex.

You can also find information about vaccinations and the latest Covid-19 guidelines on our website.

Download the free NHS Covid-19 Test and Trace app to use when you are out visiting pubs, restaurants, cafes and many other businesses. This is the fastest way of knowing when you're at risk from coronavirus (Covid-19). The quicker you know, the quicker you can alert your loved ones, and your community.

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